New World Plants
Over the decades NWP has been responsible for discovering a wide range of new garden plants including some sub-shrubs, grasses including Festuca ‘Elijah Blue’ and many new perennial plants, such as Dicentra ‘Gold Heart’, Lysimachia ‘Fire Cracker’, Polemonium ‘Heaven Scent’ to name but a few. In recent years we have made available an interesting range of Bergenia, Hesperantha and more currently Geum ‘Pink Petticoats’. Our aim is to continue to offer garden worthy hybrids and are actively trialling Crocosmia, hybridising Lupins as well as one off unusual, or unique perennials. We have a keen eye for the unusual and this is where you would find them!

Fuchsia Thumbelina Gem
Stunning new hardy Fuchsia with golden yellow foliage absolutely dripping with flowers throughout the summer period!
For the size of the plant the flowers are quite large with red and purple colouring.
Fantastic impulse plants that must make anyone stop and buy!

Gazania Tiger Eye
An NWP introduction.
An excellent form of Gazania with golden cream and green variegated foliage. The leaves are unique with very distinct cut formations. Flowers are so sumptuous boasting a flaming orange with a dark central ring that makes for an aptly named variety.
Ideal for tubs or bowls either on its own or as mixed planters. Does well in full sun or light shade. 15cm x 25cm.

Geranium Black Beauty
PBR - 2001/1575 EU15661 06/06/2005
An NWP introduction.
The best dark-leaf Geranium of its kind that keeps it’s colour throughout the season!
Violet-blue flowers in early summer that sit just above the foliage. 20cm x 30cm.

Geranium Little Charmer
An NWP hybrid.
A compact sanguineum hybrid that we discovered, well worth considering. It has taken several years of research to get into TC. Makes the most impressive mound of tight green foliage bearing numerous deep magenta pink flowers over a long season. We think the name is very apt and deserving. 30cm x 50cm.

Geranium pratense Purple Ghost
An NWP introduction.
At last we have a white flowered form of Black Beauty, dark foliage
and white flowers studded with black anthers which stand out.
Hardy, around 20cm x 40cm.

Geranium transversale Foundlings Friend
An NWP introduction.
A very dwarf variety making short clumps of fine green leaves producing stemsof pretty flowers in early summer. Each flower is of a deep pink colour that appears to have been drawn on with a dark purple pencil. Would make for a good ground cover if planted on mass. 30cm x 50cm.

Geum Can Can
A very unusual large flowered form that lives up to its name albeit the colour is not pink, but a deep yellow that has tinges of rich orange as it ages. Flowers are frilly with multi layered petals and tend to flop forwards with the weight especially when wet. 35cm x 50cm.

Geum Pink Petticoats
Just fantastic... a variety that performs well in pots for the nurseryman making great potful’s of foliage producing numerous soft peachy-pink flowers from numerous rosebud like buds. A highly floriferous flamboyant Geum. Very reliable 30cm x 50cm.

Helianthus Double Whammy
US Patent: PP25494
An NWP introduction.
A magnificent large perennial with a dramatic presence in any border, numerous large sunny yellow double flowers with large sunflower centers surrounded by a layer of single petals. 1m x 60cm.

Helianthus Flying Saucers
An NWP introduction launched in 2013.
Great cheery perennial sunflower with masses of single yellow sunflowers facing sideways from each shoot all over the clump. Hardy around 1.20m x 1.40m.

Hesperantha Cocc Major
Probably the best largest red in this genus.
This is our own improved selection put into TC which we feel has even wider flowers, but not worth calling something new. 70cm x 45cm.

Hesperantha Oregon Sunset
Clumps of narrow long leaves that produce coral salmon-red flowers in late summer. A strong stemmed variety that performs well and suitable for cutting. Useful late flowering perennial that enjoys moist soils/ bog gardens. 60cm x 40cm.
New World Plants Ltd.
White Cottage
Main Street
South Yorkshire
DN11 8NB - UK
Please note we are solely a wholesale supplier and regret that we can only respond to trade enquiries.
Phone: (+44) (0) 1568 611521
email: plant.information@new-worldplants.com
Phone: (+31) 6 53588940
email: stephen@walterblom.nl