New World Plants
Over the decades NWP has been responsible for discovering a wide range of new garden plants including some sub-shrubs, grasses including Festuca ‘Elijah Blue’ and many new perennial plants, such as Dicentra ‘Gold Heart’, Lysimachia ‘Fire Cracker’, Polemonium ‘Heaven Scent’ to name but a few. In recent years we have made available an interesting range of Bergenia, Hesperantha and more currently Geum ‘Pink Petticoats’. Our aim is to continue to offer garden worthy hybrids and are actively trialling Crocosmia, hybridising Lupins as well as one off unusual, or unique perennials. We have a keen eye for the unusual and this is where you would find them!

Crocosmia Okavango
A real showstopper when it forms a large clump. Flowers are bunched together on stout stems being a peachy orange-red in colour, almost fluorescent in the sun.
Hardy and around 75cm tall , like all Crocosmia benefits from a winter mulch. Full sun

Crocosmia Paul’s Best Yellow
A recent introduction of a very vigorous and tall habit with strong arching stems bearing rich butter yellow flowers in late summer. Flowers are neatly presented in the form of a long spray like a Freesia.
90cm -1.2m depending on soil type and position.

Crocosmia Peach Sunrise
An NWP introduction. A very unusual variety with quite a striking flower colour for this genus.
Star shaped flowers born on 60cm stems having peach to orange petals with a yellow throat. 60 x 40cm.

Dianthus Cosmic Swirl Pink
An NWP introduction.
A real break through in ‘flaked’ Dianthus, very definite flake patterns that vary on each petal. A new series of two distinct colour forms, this one being strong pink in colour.
Has proved very hardy even in the harshest of winters. 40cm x 40cm.

Dicentra Goldheart
PBR - 1997/0245 EU4817
An NWP introduction.
A great foliage plant that also flowers reliably in late spring.
Emerging new shoots are almost copper in colour when they first appear, leaves golden yellow which fade in late summer to an apple green. 50cm x 75cm.

Echinacea Red Rocket
An NWP selection raised from a number of seedlings and selected to be a strong clone , fairly compact in habit. Reliable perennial that just gets better each year.
Deep crimson red flowers that have petals that hang down when semi open almost as if to propel the cone upwards ...hence its name. Each flower turns various shades of red to deep pink during its stage of life. Great for pot work. 50cm x 50cm.

Euphorbia Baby Charm
An NWP introduction.
A great perennial with charming proportions in every sense. Compact evergreen mounds of foliage with narrow green leaves that radiate out of each reddish stem forming tight rosettes.
In late spring each head bears a wonderful mop headed flower spike comprised of numerous individual flowers that are apple green with yellow centres and red capsules. 40cm x 50cm.

Fuchsia Chilli Red
An NWP introduction.
An incredible unique variety with very distinct flowers (mainly sepals) resembling small red chillis especially when in bud!
A compact bush smothered in flowers for a long period. Hardy in the UK in normal winters in the garden. 40cm x 50cm.

Fuchsia Fairy Lights
An NWP introduction.
Another compact hardy variety with numerous pretty flower heads, somewhat tubular, pale pink with a deep rose colour center.
En masse they look like a bunch of fairy lights! 30cm x 50cm.

Fuchsia magellanica Arauco
A beautiful welcome addition to the compact hardy Fuchsia brigade. Such a pretty plant and ideal for pot work when trimmed back in the early stages of growth. Numerous tiny flowers with white petals stained bright red at the base with a vibrant bluish-purple corolla. Leaves very small cloth each arching stem. Hardy so far to -12 oC 60cm x 70cm.

Fuchsia Magic Lanterns
An NWP introduction, a magical hardy garden Fuchsia being so distinct from the others with two different skirts on flowers of the same plant. Some corollas are deep pink and some are violet purple in colour both with pink sepals. Hardy and deciduous. 50cm.

Fuchsia microphylla David
A delightful compact variety with dark green toothed leaves rarely seen. Numerous rich red flowers with a contrasting purple corolla makes this plant very snazzy!Hardy in normal winters in a sheltered spot, trim taller older deciduous shoots in spring to retain habit.75cm x 40cm
New World Plants Ltd.
White Cottage
Main Street
South Yorkshire
DN11 8NB - UK
Please note we are solely a wholesale supplier and regret that we can only respond to trade enquiries.
Phone: (+44) (0) 1568 611521
email: plant.information@new-worldplants.com
Phone: (+31) 6 53588940
email: stephen@walterblom.nl