New World Plants

New World Plants
Where the future is growing
We offer a professional service introducing new plant hybrids to the trade that are sourced from both amateur and professional breeders from around the world as well as our own breeding programme. We are passionate about discovering new hybrids that we feel have definite commercial worth in garden centres and retail nurseries.
New World plants has been generating new varieties for sale for a number of years and as a result has built up a reliable network of breeders and partner growers around the world and has a great deal of experience in importing and exporting plant material. In addition, we work closely with our suppliers of young plant material and can provide you with a choice of suitable options for successful production.
A quick overview of our new varieties
World class ... New World Plants has something for everyone, start the next season by looking at the wide range of plants we offer to add inspiration, let the New World Plants begin !
Agapanthus Silver Lining
Dahlia Rhubarb and Custard
Erysimum Tropical Sunset
Helleborus niger Snowdrift
Geum Pink Petticoats
This group of plants is undoubtedly one of the world’s most popular and fascinating genera, Salvia ‘Amistad’ being the best-selling favourite that we have exclusively introduced! Every year we offer a selection of new hybrids that are often an improvement on older varieties or totally different than what has been seen before. It’s important that we provide a range of colours that have instant appeal to the consumer but also plants that grow well in commerce. In our ever-growing collection there are lots of nice garden plants but often they don't lend themselves to container production and so are subsequently taken out. Keep an eye here for new releases as we are not short of new varieties yet!
Salvias Amistad - Amigo - Amante
A Winning Line up
A few of our best-sellers introduced over the years, and still going strong today …
Crocosmia 'Harlequin'
Crocosia 'Harlequin'
Introduced 2013
One of the most attractive compact varieties that we have discovered, responds to tissue culture and performs well in pots, great colour combo… great choice!
Dicentra ‘Gold Heart’
Dicentra ‘Gold Heart’
Introduced 1998
Bred by the inspiring gardener Nori Pope (sadly now passed away) gave us this in our early days to introduce to the trade. This plant is a stunning foliage game changer for this genus with large deep pinkish red flowers, awesome coppery new shoots in spring as well.
Erysimum ‘Paint Box’
Erysimum ‘Paint Box’
Introduced 2013
Has proved a best seller for many including mail order companies with such a range of pastel coloured flowers all on the same spike … compact and truly perennial, one of the most aptly named plants of all time !
Fuchsia ‘Chilli Red’
Fuchsia ‘Chilli Red’
Introduced 2015
NWP has made a new success of this variety from an amateur breeder who had given up hope with a previous agent. It ticks every box for the perfect nurseryman plant to fit on a Danish trolley and performs reliably in the garden.
Geranium ‘Black Beauty’
Geranium ‘Black Beauty’
Introduced 2002
One of the best dark leaf forms of the Victor Reiter group and probably the best compact form with superb foliage in the spring (matches any pot grown Heuchera), before the deep blue saucer shaped flowers rise up in early summer.
Geum 'Pink Petticoats'
Geum 'Pink Petticoats'
Introduced in 2018
A compact variety with large shell pink flowers that packs a punch.
Reliable and provides a good impulse plant for early sales and therefore
a must have variety in your arsenal.
Iberis ‘Masterpiece’
Iberis ‘Masterpiece’
Introduced 2010
From our own hybridising without any doubt an all-time winner with over 3.5 million plant sales ! Should not be treated like an alpine. Splendid for planters as well as borders. The massive flowers continue for such a long season.
Iberis ‘Pink Ice’
Iberis ‘Pink Ice’
Introduced 2012
A recent new comer also for pot work which has also had massive appeal that brim over the with perfect mounds of foliage covered with much smaller flowers of ice pink that is irresistible to pick up on any sales bench.
Polemonium ‘Heaven Scent’
Polemonium ‘Heaven Scent’
Introduced 2010
A delightful and very reliable perennial which seems to be resistant to mildew with wonderful dark foliage when it first emerges. Numerous purple-blue flowers with a light fragrance, takes a lot more sun than other varieties.
Salvia ‘Amistad’
Salvia ‘Amistad’
Introduced 2012
The most spectacular Salvia todate by far. Gorgeous deep velvety purple flowers emerging from almost black calyx. Sterile, free flowering and much earlier than the ‘look-alikes’.
Salvia 'Joy'
Salvia ‘Joy'
Introduced in 2012
What a pretty variety that has huge impulse appeal. With two tone pink flowers that flowers all summer makes this a hugely popular Salvia. Needs to be outside for the most striking colour contrast.
Santolina ‘Lemon Fizz’
Santolina ‘Lemon Fizz’
Introduced 2009
A wonderful discovery of ours which has become a standard plant for use in autumn / winter patio arrangements. Evergreen with bright golden / yellow foliage and lemon button flowers in summer. Occasional green shoots need removing to prevent reversion.
New World Plants Ltd.
White Cottage
Main Street
South Yorkshire
DN11 8NB - UK
Please note we are solely a wholesale supplier and regret that we can only respond to trade enquiries.
Phone: (+44) (0) 1568 611521
email: plant.information@new-worldplants.com
Phone: (+31) 6 53588940
email: stephen@walterblom.nl